How much does it cost to enter Machu Picchu?

Visit Peru in prestige mode! We have selected for you the best Peru luxury tours, hotels and experiences for a unique trip!

To reach the magical site of Machu Picchu, you need good shoes… or take one of the trains that are offered to tourists. Those operated by Peru Rail and Inca Rail depart mainly from Poroy and Ollantaytambo (near Cusco): Expedition (most frequent), Vistadome and Hiram Bingham (luxury)

  • Train Expedition

    Peru Rail service ferroviaire qui offre des sièges confortables, des tables et de grandes fenêtres pour profiter du voyage au Machu Picchu. Les wagons sont décorés sur un thème inca. C’est le service touristique le moins cher et propose plusieurs départs quotidiens.

  • Les trains «Vistadome» comprennent: Vue panoramique – Les trains se caractérisent par de grandes fenêtres trapézoïdales qui offrent une vue complète des paysages. Il comprend également des sièges confortables et de grandes fenêtres.
  • Le luxueux train Hiram Bingham comprend un élégant wagon-restaurant, un wagon-bar-salon et un wagon-observatoire, où vous pourrez profiter du paysage inégalé en plein air tout en sirotant un cocktail péruvien traditionnel et en écoutant de la musique locale en direct.

 Explorez les sites incontournables du Pérou avec ce circuit sur-mesure privé qui vous mènera de Lima au lac Titicaca en passant par le Machu Pichu.

Peru Family Holiday, Itinerary DURATION 9 Days From Lima

travelrubio Here  +51 913 333 333 

IDEAL AGE From 5 to 99 year olds.


 TravelRubio, DreampsPeru & SEJOURSRUBIO

Gaze up at Peru’s dazzling peaks and into picturesque valleys to understand why the Andean mountains were sacred for the Incas. This well-paced holiday combines the wonders of the Amazon Jungle with the fascinating history of Cusco. Enjoy a memorable train journey through the heart of the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu and breathe in the magical spirit of the Incas.
Cusco is located a spectacular 3450 metres above sea level, so it’s important to be patient as your body adjusts. See the ‘Essential Trip Information’ section for information on altitude sickness.
Tradition runs deep in beautiful old Cusco, so a little homework will put you in good stead. Ask your leader about photography etiquette. The Amazon Jungle can be very hot and humid, so it’s important to drink plenty of water and wear light cotton clothing. Make sure you also bring tropicalstrength insect repellent. The weather can be unpredictable in the Andes. Be sure to bring warm clothes and prepare for all elements. Send us Email

Séjour de luxe Peru

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